一杯の紅茶〜a cup of tea〜

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A vase of fresh flowers in our home or office can instantly add some cheer. Unfortunately, most fresh cut flowers don’t last very long, and it can be a big bummer when your flowers start wilting and drooping after only a few days. Different types of flowers require different care, but here are six general tips from florists to help extend the life of your cut flowers.









According to Brad Weinstein at Petals and Stems in Dallas, Texas, adding water to the vase is the best way to help flower arrangements stay fresh and last longer. “Remember that the more flowers in the arrangement, the need for water will increase,” says Weinstein. Since some types of cut flowers drink more water than others, make sure to check the water level daily, adding more as necessary.







According to Angela Floyd, the manager of French Florist in Los Angeles, California, feeding tap water to most cut flowers is sufficient. “Tap water is perfectly fine to use for flower arrangements, so don't feel like you need to feed them Evian!” says Floyd.



ロサンゼルスのFrench Floristの支配人Angela Floydによると、ほとんどの花は水道水で十分



伊藤園 Evian(エビアン) ミネラルウォーター 1.5L×12本 [正規輸入品]

伊藤園 Evian(エビアン) ミネラルウォーター 1.5L×12本 [正規輸入品]

  • 出版社/メーカー: 伊藤園
  • メディア: 食品&飲料
  • 購入: 30人 クリック: 113回


It makes sense to use filtered water rather than tap water, though, for certain types of plants that are known to live longer. For a prized plant such as a Phalaenopsis, or moth orchid, or a blooming plant like a Peace Lily, using filtered water “might be a worthwhile investment to help ensure your plant's flowers stay their freshest for as long as possible,” suggests Floyd.








In order to make your flowers soak up the most water possible, you’ll need to cut the ends of the stems. Keep trimming them daily, when you change the water in the vase. “Once a flower is out of water for a few seconds the stems dries up, so it needs to be recut to take in the water,” explains Weinstein.

To get the best cut, use sharp scissors and cut the bottom-most inch off the stems at an angle rather than straight across. Doing so, as Floyd explains, will give more surface area to the stem's tip, which will help the flower to better access the water. And consider cutting the stems under water (rather than in the air) to avoid giving your flowers an air embolism, which can interfere with their ability to suck in water.








 “A clean vase filled with fresh water is the best way to keep your flowers fresh,” explains Floyd. Before putting flowers in a vase, you can disinfect the vase with bleach and water. Simple soap and water should work, too, but use bleach if you want to be extra careful.








If flowers get too warm, they’ll wilt a lot faster. Weinstein says that the best practice is to keep your flower arrangement in a cool environment, away from direct sunlight, heater vents, and entry doors.

Flower company FTD featured an experiment in a post on the company’s blog, which showed that putting flowers in the refrigerator overnight helped to keep the flowers alive for a longer time. So if you can fit your flowers in the refrigerator, the cold temperature will help preserve them.








People have experimented with different ways to keep flowers fresh longer. Putting certain items such as aspirin, pennies, vodka, soda, and mouthwash in the vase can reportedly help flowers last longer. Although some of these ideas have a basis in chemistry, most experiments show (and florists agree) that following steps 1-5 will give your flowers the best chance to stay alive for a long time.




 via: mental_floss. translated by ド田舎男子大学生




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