一杯の紅茶〜a cup of tea〜

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効果的な手の洗い方 | 6つのステップで手を綺麗に





Washing your hands can help keep you healthy and reduce the spread of germs. But just running your soapy hands under the faucet isn’t good enough: If you want to achieve maximum cleanliness, there’s a six-step hand washing technique you should try out. 









Researchers from Glasgow Caledonian University observed 42 doctors and 78 nurses at a teaching hospital in Glasgow. After splitting their volunteers into two hand washing groups, both of which washed using an alcohol-based solution, they analyzed post-hand washing bacterial buildup. The researchers found that while the six-step technique reduced median microbial count from 3.28 to 2.58 CFU/mL, the three-step reduced it only from 3.08 to 2.88 CFU/mL.




6つのステップを行ったグループは微生物数が3.28から2.58 CFU/mL(1mL中に細菌が2.58個〜3.28個)減りました。

3つのステップを行ったグループは3.08から2.88 CFU/mLほどしか減りませんでした。



Researchers also found that the six-step technique took 15 percent more time (less than 10 seconds) than the three-step, and that, in general, many of the volunteers struggled to properly complete all of the steps of each hand washing technique. However, they argue that, while it may be more complicated and time-consuming to complete the full six-step hand washing technique, it’s also the most effective strategy to make sure your hands are as clean as they can be.












サラヤ WASH VON ウォシュボン ハーバル 薬用 ハンドソープ フォームタイプ 本体 310ml

サラヤ WASH VON ウォシュボン ハーバル 薬用 ハンドソープ フォームタイプ 本体 310ml

  • 出版社/メーカー: サラヤ
  • 発売日: 2010/09/24
  • メディア: ヘルスケア&ケア用品
  • クリック: 1回


  • 出版社/メーカー: ミヨシ石鹸
  • 発売日: 2000/12/15
  • メディア: ヘルスケア&ケア用品
  • 購入: 4人 クリック: 11回